"Our tribe wants to give as much money as you deserve for your causes."
What we do now can change our world… and build a legacy and example for future generations!
GET ACCESS TO THE MASTERCLASS NOW!It's time to get down to business
Your mission is to do good. Our mission is to make it possible for you to do more of it.
Fund Smarter
GET FUNDED by Major Gifts of Assets like you've never experienced before and with:
- NO Required Capital
- NO Additional Staffing
- NO Donor Acquisition Campaigns
- NO Required Resources... period!
Avoid "Mission Drift" While Leveraging Gifts of Real Estate
You don't have to spend the time becoming experts on the complex Charitable Real Estate Transaction Process.
We have a team of experts, including our Charitable Real Estate Specialists and Specialized 501(c)3, who work on your behalf at no cost to you.
We'll handle every element of the transaction.
You need only accept the proceeds which will be granted to you once our job is done.
Real Estate is hot... Fundraising is not.
Events are a great way to connect and engage with the donors who champion your cause. But they take a lot of time, workforce, and money... all of which could be better used for the cause.
Partnering with The RAOC and leveraging gifts of major non-cash assets allows your organization the opportunity to continue without the angst of having to rely on traditional fundraising.
What's more, a study of over one million 501(c)3 tax returns by Dr. Russell James of Texas Tech shows organizations who leverage charitable gifts of real estate can grow their endowments sixfold... without adding a single donor.