4 Types of Real Estate That Qualify as a Charitable Gift

Jun 09, 2022


Gifts of real estate might sound too good to be true, but it’s actually possible in various ways. The REAL Agents of Change in Livingston, Texas, is here to talk about four types of real estate that perfectly qualify as charitable giving of non-cash assets. Discover the century-old secret that makes real estate the key to real change today!


Residential assets are a tried and true method for charitable giving real estate deductions and cash assets. Real estate is the largest asset class in America. As such, it becomes a centerpiece for charitable gifts. Unfortunately, so many have not heard about this method of charitable giving because many nonprofits have specific rules that don’t allow real estate donations. Working with The REAL Agents of Change grants new paths to charitable real estate to make it less complicated


There really isn’t enough charitable giving of non-cash assets due to century-old rules that halt 99.9% of nonprofits from receiving them. Our team not only knows the proper execution methods for leveraging real estate, but we have a system to join investments with a cash flow of nonprofit donations.

Vacant Land

Don’t let vacant land and property lay to waste. Money can be fairly distributed to nonprofit organizations via legacy listings by putting each donation through an official liquidation process. Out of the 1.3 Million nonprofits in the country, less than .5% will take real estate assets of any kind. The REAL Agents of Change uses a refined skill set to capitalize on the charitable potential of vacant land that can serve as a financial benefit to any nonprofit organization that we work with. 


The tried and true commercial real estate is at the forefront of charitable giving real estate deductions. By applying our knowledge and experience, commercial real estate becomes a viable and less risky method for granting its wealth into the hands of nonprofits that need it most.


With our Specialized Nonprofit methods of execution, we can make these forms of real estate viable for funding the 1.3 Million nonprofits across the country that deserve it. No matter the major form of real estate, The REAL Agents of Change know how to fund smarter!

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